Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Think of an organization that you’re familiar with (anything from a personal organization like a church to a multi-billion dollar corporation like Nike), that does an excellent job at displaying their organizational values to the public. Why did you pick that organization, and how do you know what that organizations values are?

I think that Above The Influence does an excellent job at demonstrating it's organizational values.  Above the Influence is a non profit organizations that targets teenagers and tries to stop them from using drugs by being "above the influence".  The group demonstrates through a series of commercials that are constantly being shown on TV.  The commercials typically show a teenager who participated in illegal activities such as smoking weed, drinking, or using various drugs and then shows the consequences from using them.  Sometimes the commercials have more of a positive attitude such as a waiter giving a kid a free meal because he told his friend he could not smoke weed with him because he had to study.  On the other hand, some of the commercials are negative and focus on scare tactics.  In one of the commercials a teenager crashes his mother's car because he used drugs the night before and his father is scolding him.  His friend then walks into the garage and hands him his brain and says "you left this at the house last night."  I believe that Above the Influence is one of the most effective companies at showing their values because their is no question at what they are tying to say after you watch one of their commercials.  Moreover, they never actually show the person using the drug in the commercial because they do not want to promote it in any way, shape or form.  The organisation has a purpose and a good cause which is why I support it.

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