Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What do you have to say about your experience at the conference?

AFLV reminded me of why I joined Phi Beta Sigma to begin with; unconditional brotherhood.  I met fraternity brothers from all over the nation ranging from Texas to Indiana to Colorado.  The brotherhood was real and I had an instant connection with all of the bruhs I met.  I was extremely impressed by the entire conference.  From the opening ceremony to the banquet I could tell that much time and effort was put into the entire weekend.  I thought that the speakers that they had at Pathways were high caliber and still young enough to know what is really going on in the Greek Community.  I was lucky enough to have my pathway instructor be the instructor of the Greek life class that I am taking at OSU.  I enjoyed having him as an instructor because he is still fairly young and in touch with Black Greek Life.  Most importantly, I enjoyed meeting people who were in the same situations as I am whether it was on the Chapter level or the Council level.  I was also able to meet people who once had the same problems that my chapter and the Council are currently facing.  We were able to brainstorm and I got a lot of helpful suggestions on what to do that I plan on implementing this upcoming quarter.  I enjoyed all aspects of the conference and especially that it left room for social interaction between all of us.  If the conference was focused strictly on leadership skills and did not leave any room for down time I do not think I would have enjoyed it as much because half of the experience is networking and socializing.  I was also impressed by the stroll competition and  how all councils were incorporated in it.  Ohio State will be in the Stroll Competition next year and WE WILL WIN!!!  I learned about all of the awards that universities can receive and I am positive that OSU will be receiving several accolades when we return to the conference next year.  My goal is for OSU to have the most awards out of any school and hopefully get one of our advisors up there as well.  Thanks to Tyler (squared), Sami and everyone else who helped plan the trip.  I appreciate all of the work you put into it and I just want to let you guys know that it did not go unnoticed.  Can't wait till next year!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Last year's AFLV group actually had plans to be in this year's stroll competition, but it never happened. Plus, it's hard when a different council than ours will be attending AFLV next year. But the awards are definitely achievable! Good luck to all of us! :D
