Tuesday, January 18, 2011

This is I Believe

The National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) consists of Nine organizations, also known as the DIVINE NINE.  The NPHC was founded on MAY 10, 1930 on Howard University.  The purpose of the organization is "Unanimity if thought and action as far as possible in the conduct of Greek letter collegiate fraternities and sororities, and to consider problems of mutual interest to its member organizations.  The NPHC was created by members of all of the organizations and my organization, Phi Beta Sigma was on of the charter members and joined in 1930.

I believe that the purpose of the NPHC is to bring together the African American Greek community.  I think that the NPHC has a long way to go on this campus.  It does not have the respect of its member organizations that it deserve and people do not take it seriously.  I believe that the NPHC has the power to do great things for the Divine 9 and that its meant to bring us all together.  To be honest though I have trouble explaining what I believe NPHC is because so many things still need to be improved within the council.  I have dreams and aspirations about what I think the council can become but for now that is all they are.  I believe that in a couple years after much work and sweat has been put in, the NPHC will accomplish great things and hopefully be respected across the entire campus.  I believe that eventually the NPHC will create a unity in which individual chapters do not think about only their individual organizations but rather their entire community when they make decisions.  I believe that the NPHC is historically important in both  Greek and African American history. 

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